PACK 169

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Paw Paw Cub Scouts Pack 169
Welcome to the official website of the Paw Paw Cub Scouts. Here you can find information about Cub Scouts and our pack. Cub Scouts runs through the school year and regular meetings are held September through May. During the summer months, monthly pack activities are planned as well. The meeting schedule can vary by den, but meetings are typically Monday evenings at the Paw Paw Lions Club.
It is important to understand that Cub Scouts is dependent on parent participation. It is a great opportunity to spend time having fun with your child while they learn new skills and our parent volunteers are essential.

Cub Scouts vs Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts)
Both Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA are run by Boy Scouts of America but they are designed for different different age groups.
Cub Scouts is for boys and girls from kindergarten through 4th grade. Kids are grouped into dens by grade and the dens together form a pack. Cub Scouts is parent led and they work on a variety of activities with the goal of earning that year’s rank. Some pack activities we have done in the past are our annual Pinewood Derby, hiking, camping, K-Wings games, AirZoo days and bowling.
Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience for youth in the fifth grade through high school and are organized into troops. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. You can find a local troop by clicking here for more information.
Fees are determined by the council every year. Current fees for 2024-2025 are $170 for 12 months. We do not determine the amount and the entire fee goes directly to the national and state councils. Our local pack is funded entirely by popcorn sales.

Some of these fees can be offset through your sale of popcorn in the fall. 10% of all your scouts’ sales goes directly to your scout for them to use to pay for any scout related item (ex. Camp, fees, uniform, etc). This popcorn sale is the only fundraising we do during the year.
Cub Scout Dens

This den if for kindergarten students and their parents. This level is very game oriented with fewer and shorter meetings to get their feet wet. The parents take turns running the meetings (very detailed plans are given out).
Click here to view the Lion Den Parent Leader Guide to see what activities are in store for your scout.

This den is for 1st graders and their parents. This is the first year a parent den leader assumes charge of the group and this group does have a need for a volunteer for this role.
Click here to view the Tiger Den Parent Leader Guide to see what activities are in store for your scout.

This den is for 2nd graders and their parents. This is the first year a parent den leader assumes charge of the group and this group does have a need for a volunteer for this role.
Click here to view the Wolf Den Parent Leader Guide to see what activities are in store for your scout.

This den is for 3rd grade students. The den leader is Rob Suski.
Click here to view the Bear Den Parent Leader Guide to see what activities are in store for your scout.

This den is for 4th grade students. It is an 18 month program that culminates intended to prepare scouts to crossover into a Scouts BSA troop. The den leader is Dan Seibert.
Click here to view the Webelos Den Parent Leader Guide to see what activities are in store for your scout.